
Mobile First Payment Portal.
Stand-alone, digital-first product to help lenders and debt collection agencies increase collections and recoveries while providing a streamlined customer experience. It was conceptualized as a powerful, yet easy to deploy, mobile payment portal.
Developed as a digital payments solution, allowing lenders and agencies to reach borrowers via integrated email and SMS messaging and creating a hassle-free payment experience that helps increase collections.
The system also leverages direct integrations with NACHA system and credit card processors and is PCI compliant with complete audit records management built in.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular 7, Mysql 5.8, Integration with banks and card payment processors, Scheduled jobs.

Cryptocurrency Exchange.
A solution where cryptocurrency wallets can be maintained and traded on the network.
Bitcoin, Ethereum networks were integrated with local node and Infura respectively. The system also allowed over-the-counter P2P trading.
A social component was developed for users to form groups and network.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular 7, Postgres, Integration with Infura, Bitcoin nodes, Twilio.

Scholarship Management System
The project was aimed at improving educational engagement of disadvantaged K-12 students by connecting students, parents and their school incharge to create a social net for the students.
A test management system was developed to enable students to enroll for a online scholarship program.
This enabled creating test with multiple choice questions. The students could take a timed tests which used websockets based timing to provide consistent test timings to all test takers.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular 7, Postgres, Integration with Amazon S3, Amazon SNS.

Customer Support Portal
We created a EU-GDPR compliant Customer Support Portal.
The solution was implemented was fully internationalized to be enable deployment to different geographical locations with configurable setup to allow default locale.
Bulk data import using csv was also implemented.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular 7, Mysql 5.8, Apache POI integration.

Wellness Platform
We created a platform to connect physicians and patients to enable more efficient healthcare.
The platform includes a web portal and a mobile based application for recording patient history and patient details for the physician team. The mobile application primarily enabled physicians accessibility during field visits.
The platform also helped doctors in understanding patterns in localised diseases and thus provide precautionary healthcare.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular 7, Mysql 5.8, Android and iOS, S3 documents application.

Amazon Merchant Platform
We built an integrated business intelligence portal for assisting in forecasting and planning sales and revenues for Amazon merchants.
Amazon MWS APIs were leveraged to gather the data. Batch processes to ensure the latest sales data is downloaded from Amazon and pre processed. Easy to understand dashboards with graphical representations for product listing and sales patterns were created.
MWS API volume throttling was handled by combination of an active and passive process.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, ReactJS, Mysql 5.8, cheduled Jobs with Quartz, ETL, TSV File Processing.

Contact Us

SCO 224, Level II, SECTOR 37-C,
Chandigarh, India, 160036
(+91) 797 304 4147
#3306,16 Yonge St, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, M5E1R4
(+1) 647 834 5330
(+1) 437 993 0777